the government t spends every year is codified as mandatory, n meaning there s no review no process, no checks and balancecs ,just a blank check and no the e balancing the checkbook. we live in a society wherend obc laziness and obesity can qualify you for a disabilityfora check from the government paid for by us working americans . u sin fact, nearly two thirds of the money spent by our government last year went to social welfare programs, according to democrats , likeof f congresswoman sheila mccormick of florida, to even mention challenging these programs is to be heartless and void of empathy.void of empathy empathy. when someone chooses but when someone chooses getting high over being a father to his children, what pity is he owed ? when a woman uses a chronic sprained ankle to stay on social security disability, d she an invalid or using discomfort to scam the system? m or when the son of a vice president spends his time and money on and blow, is he an addict in need? o
about chris hayes, but we are going to talk about the truth. give us the truth. tru iverintruly delivering for workg americans . look, this here s the problem. l he wrote ae political article. he didn to t go talpeoplek to e who are living the reality right now. what s happening for working wog am americans on the bottom? are they seeing some wage gains? seats eause wause we hav a laboe ha ar shortage in leisue and hospitality. they are seeing wage gains. but the problem is they reby inf getting hit hardest by inflation becauselae when y w you re at the bottom, you can t trade down. you don t get to mak make the te adjustments that a middle class family can t or an upper middle class family can can. you re already barely being able to afford what you eat and the other problem is thet hg things that have gone up inget h price the most are the thingsen that are the biggest part ofbotg your budget when you re at the bottom gas , food, rent.ere to so you ve got nowhere to go.t bn you re
love you daddy. love you . so we news breaks fox news is reporting on the stories that matter. border patrol facilities still running over capacity. things are amping up here in taiwan. battles erupted between the sudanese army and a paramilitary group. that s why we re number one in cable news, fox news channel. house republicans are moving to hold fbi director chris wray in contempt of congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena. r ray is refusing to turefn over documents that allegedly top president biden to an international bribery scheme int involving, of course, his son .. hunter s business dealingsthe ai raise actions by definition arei criminal. he could face jail timme if heey he s found in contempt. so now that he s beene threatened for violating doe law, he s finally admitting the documents are realcume. buck sexton is the co-host of the clay travis and buck sexton show. e cohostf the showhe s also a fh and he joins us now. i know thanks y for coming on tonight.i i