roku had four hundred and eighty seven million. i read them tech had 54 men dollars in b i rythm tech had fifty four million. bill holdings had three hundred 300 milln. something called ginkoo biloba fireworks had seventy four million roadblocks . one hundred and fifty million. b twenty one million.list goes n and the list goes on and on . well you can t make a moral hazard argument here though say. the globalist. that s not fair. larry summer summers tweeted today that this is no time for moral hazard lectures or lesson administering or four alarm about political co. but my question is , whenme ri is the time right to ensureuencr that there are consequences for bad financial decisions in our banks? cial our banksis any time the right? the truth is , when thosebers of taking undue risks are mostly members of the liberal elite class, it s never a good time to talk about moral hazards. hazardif you re a darling of