patient and do as much as we could as fast as we could to save his life. reporter: so this whole idea of being able to talk to people must be shocking to you. the fact that the one i treated in 2000 was shocking. this just remarkable. i can t believe it. the guy we took care of in 2000, we had to put chest tubes in his chest and power warm fluids to warm his core temperature. i had to intubate him and we had to put catheters in every orifice to bring his body temperature up. he was in the critical care unit for over three weeks up to a month. how does this work? the faa did a report talking about stowaways. they said the oxygen is below the oxygen level required to support brain consciousness. so anybody who is in a wheel well stowaway they said will lose consciousness from hypoxia. let me just ask you. could some people are saying he could have gone into a state of hibernation. could that explain how this kid