only one of us will win. [ male announcer ] winning takes intense preparation. start with wheaties fuel! a bold honey-cinnamon crunch cereal with complex carbs, and b vitamins. [ pujols ] wheaties fuel, prepare to win! we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned an la getaway twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. [ whistling ] no matter what we re buying. and since double miles add up quick. romans! get em! [ garth ] .we can bring the whole gang. [ sheep bleats ] it s hard to beat double miles. whoa he s on the list. but we re with him. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to [ indistinct shouting ] what s in your wallet?
everything you need to stay balanced on long trips. residence inn. he wants an out! only one of us will win. [ male announcer ] winning takes intense preparation. start with wheaties fuel! a bold honey-cinnamon crunch cereal with complex carbs, and b vitamins. [ pujols ] wheaties fuel, prepare to win! it helps to eat calcium-rich foods like yogurt, spinach, and cheese. but calcium, vitamin d and exercise may not be enough to keep your bones strong. so ask your doctor about once-monthly boniva. boniva works with your body to help stop and reverse bone loss.
so i do everything i can. to make sure it s me! [ male announcer ] winning takes intense preparation. start with wheaties fuel! a bold honey-cinnamon crunch cereal with complex carbs, and b vitamins. [ pujols ] wheaties fuel, prepare to win! five minutes to the top of the hour.
[ pujols ] wheaties fuel, prepare to win! can be unsettling. but what if there were a different story? of one financial company that grew stronger through the crisis. when some lost their way, this company led the way. by protecting clients and turning uncertainty into confidence. what if that story were true? it is.
to maintain control of the congress? he wants an out! only one of us will win. so i do everything i can. to make sure it s me! [ male anuncer ] winning takes intense preparation. start with wheaties fuel! a bold honecinnamon crunch cereal with complex carbs, and b vitamins. [ pujols ] wheaties fuel, prepare to win! [ pujols ] wheaties fuel, my joints ache so bad, i wake up in pain every day.