The Delhi High Court on Monday adjourned till April 19 hearing on petition against WhatsApp s new privacy policy after the Central government sought more time saying that they are examining the issue. A single-judge Bench of Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva asked the Centre to file a status report and listed the matter for April 19. The Court noted that the government is examining the issue and granted more time to the Centre to respond on the matter. Appearing for the Centre, advocate Kirtiman Singh told the Court that the government is in process of obtaining certain clarification and they need time to consider it.
Read more about Conveyed to Indian govt our commitment to protect privacy: WhatsApp on Business Standard. This comes hours after announcing the decision to go ahead with its controversial privacy policy update
Tricky Hacks To Send Message To Yourself On WhatsApp Feb 17, 2021, 17:27 IST
Saving the messages or chatting with yourself on WhatsApp can become tricky. Many times people resort to making groups and add only themselves in order to keep a folder like place for all the important messages and documents. On Telegram, users have the option of saving messages. They can save texts, documents, video and more. The ‘Saved Messages’ option is very helpful.
But on WhatsApp, there is no such option. If a user wants to save a message or instantly send something to oneself, they need to make a group with only their contact in it. Even this is a tedious process. The person will have to add their own number and one more person, later removing them will leave a solo group for you.