WhatsApp not working in India? Well, that's what people thought after the Bollywood actor Sinu Sood's WhatsApp stopped working. The actor took to X and informed the same.
The recent WhatsApp outage in India left users unable to access the app on both web and mobile platforms for over an hour. Social media platforms buzzed with humorous memes and jokes under the hashtag #WhatsAppdown. WhatsApp promptly responded, assuring users of restoration efforts, and acknowledged the global impact of the outage.
WhatsApp and Instagram faced a major outage on Wednesday night. The services of Meta-owned social media platforms were down for hours. Users were unable to use WhatsApp and Instagram for text, audio, and voice calls. More than 30,000 users in India reported problems with WhatsApp.
WhatsApp, owned by Meta Platforms, experienced a significant outage affecting thousands of users globally. Downdetector tracked over 17,000 incidents, with users in India, the UK, and Brazil reporting problems. Meta did not respond to requests for comment.