in glory. she has covered herself clothed in character. she has risked her politicalre future. there are 435 members of congress. they come and go. most of them are forgotten by history. she will not be forgotten by history. harrietme now is hagaman, wyoming congressionalmi candidate and the challenger ton congresswoman cheney in this primary that s coming up. thanks so much for joining us on the inkerman. it seems like j the congresswomn was a little bit more interested in getting support from the mediaeser rathr than her own constituents. what ss. your take? t well, jason , thank you foi having me this evening. butt that s what this entire thing is about. i was in casper last evening over 100 patriots, 100 people who are wanting to discuss the issues that are affecting all of us inflation and open border the war on our oil and gas industries. and liz cheney was sitting in washington, d.c. with democrats who are pursuing what i would describe
yeah. what ss going on with borderss patrol when you guys are discussing that issue and the rescinding of that probably by may 23 if they were saying that we re deep trouble, we re in deep trouble now. we re n wayay over capacityay everywhere o we turn in the border patrol, we re having j a hard time keeping up with just what s out there. now if you open up the floodgates with title forty two , we rere we re goinge to be in dire need ofn assistance out here on top t ofi what we re already getting from the local municipalities, dps, national guard. they re doing a great job helping us out, but weee can barelyp keep up with their help if you open up these o floodgates and double or triplei what we re seeing, we re going to be in a lot of trouble. are you concerned that terrorists or terror cells already inside this country? most definitely. you know, they can be anywhere they re here already. obviously we know that we ve k got people coming across that are tied tono itcr. and if you loo
inflation tax.s infla the poor and the middle classti in this country, mr. p presiden, or as you call them, the forgotten men and women. they cannot afford that type of money. they ret not going to be able to survive if this continues, if you re president, what would you do so what you re saying is all sounds very easy and sounds very simple. not actually that simple, butly i will tell you this is like l the biggest tax increase in history if you look at what inflation is doing and i saw a number today that wages didn t go up but they re nowhere near what ss being taken out of families by pure inflation, just the cost of bread, the cost of gas, the cost of gasoline, the cost of everything. everything iss up and then supply chain, you go to stores ,they half empty many stores. they can t get product. they can t get anything. you go you go to luxury stores or nonluxury stores orrk supermarkets and the shelves
0 time. don t know what happened there. we re glad you joined us for it. will be back tomorrow night and every weekday, 8:00 p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying of pomposity, smugness and groupthink. have a great night with thehi ones you love. we ll see you tomorrow and welcome to hannity. and tonight we begin with a fox news alert. the 44th president of the united states, donald trump. he ll join us live in just a moment for an exclusive interview. the president will weighgh in obviously on the economy, on inflation, energy, open borders, ukraine, china, so much more . but first, big news from the president s hometown of new york city while his former hometown where a man namedne frank james has been apprehended after now allegedly rounds into30 a crowded subway in brooklyn, new york , shooting 10 commuters. now tonight , the perpetrators twisted motives and ideologyat are coming into focus. a and what are a series off deranged videos filled with violent rhetoric posted on
more votes in hispanic votes come african-american votes, 60 years, the left has scared regular people. and we are now the party that is attracting those people. we are attracting them because the people of that work for a living. sean: what we will find in this america? this is our fourth audit. there has been three audits, the first three came out clean. let s see what the fourth one says. i think if you look at arizona and what ss happening in other republican states, we have fast practices. sean: real quick. is donald trump the leader of the republican party? he is the former republican, 75 million plus party which sean: is he the leader? yes. i think it is defined by principles, core values. sean: is it america first, make america great? absolutely. that is all a part of it.