developments at this hour, everything is in place for this release to take place. all iranian officials are waiting for is the money to be transferd. with tehran and washington not having any diplomat relations, the swiss embassy in tehran is going to play the role of mediator in this case. the likely scenario is going to be the family of someone is going to come up with $500,000, theyl transfer it to sss r officials, and they ll transfer anit to the judiciary and then e release will take place. at this t point, it s a wait an see. but good news for sarah shourd according to iranian officials, she can go home if sheil comes with that hefty bail money. ireza, it is good news for shourd. but the question is, what s happening to the othery two? what sikely to happen to them? reporter: well, the senior prosecutor yesterday in tehran in his news conference said that the other two hikers, sane bauer and josh fattal are not going anywhere.