new album. it is about to drop. could this have anything to do with that? is it to show america he has a new attitude about life? if you are talking about that, what are bush s publishers doing? fundamentally, i want my politicians to have gravitas. he talked about the gq boys, and that s right, they are the gq boys. thatcher was a conviction politician and she wouldn t care about somebody like kanye west and what he said. what is important what was happening during the hurricane was a big deal. con yea kanye west said live on every network said you don t care about black people that s why it was huge. andrew is waiving at me. yes, andrew? i just wanted to say that he said something important in there. he says the race car is thrown around too easily. i think when kanye west and
new album. it is about to drop. could this have anything to do with that? is it to show america he has a new attitude about life? if you are talking about that, what are bush s publishers doing? fundamentally, i want my politicians to have gravitas. he talked about the gq boys, and that s right, they are the gq boys. thatcher was a conviction politician and she wouldn t care about somebody like kanye west and what he said. what is important what was happening during the hurricane was a big deal. con yea kanye west said live on every network said you don t care about black people that s why it was huge. andrew is waiving at me. yes, andrew? i just wanted to say that he said something important in there. he says the race car is thrown around too easily. i think when kanye west and
compassion and cutting someone off in their moment. but nonetheless i think we are all quick to pull a race card in america. and now i am more open. and the poetic justice i felt to have went through the same thing he went through, and i connect with him on a humanitarian level. huer rai. hooray. bill, as an african-american, does kanye west s statement make you hate white people less? well, white people and crackers because they are two different things and you are the latter. i like what con yea said if someone can kanye said. what was that? that was the most convoluted circular on a humanitarian level, i mean, is he a lyricist? he said i was victimized the way i victimized bush i don t know. isn t this the most beautiful
compassion and cutting someone off in their moment. but nonetheless i think we are all quick to pull a race card in america. and now i am more open. and the poetic justice i felt to have went through the same thing he went through, and i connect with him on a humanitarian level. huer rai. hooray. bill, as an african-american, does kanye west s statement make you hate white people less? well, white people and crackers because they are two different things and you are the latter. i like what con yea said if someone can kanye said. what was that? that was the most convoluted circular on a humanitarian level, i mean, is he a lyricist? he said i was victimized the way i victimized bush i don t know. isn t this the most beautiful