Now that we have hit late July (keep in mind, we just have over three months until Halloween), it's the time to be taking some road trips since we need to take advantage of what we have left of Summer. But during your trip, in case it takes you to another spot in Massachusetts, just beware of what may be lurking in your hotel. As it turns out, Massachusetts is home to three of the most haunted hotels in the U.S.
No that we have hit Summer, in just a few months, Fall will creep in and so will that haunting feeling that comes along with Halloween. In the meantime, enjoy your Summer road trips. But during your trip, in case it takes you to another spot in Massachusetts, just beware of what may be lurking in your hotel. As it turns out, Massachusetts is home to three of the most haunted hotels in the U.S. And you never know, you might end up at one of three out of the top 25 haunted hotels in the U.S.
Halloween is inching ever so close. Perhaps for the scariest time of the year, maybe you're intending on doing some traveling as you partake in the spooky festivities, wherever that may be. As it turns out, maybe one of those spots is relatively local within Massachusetts. You never know, you mind end up one of three out of the top 25 haunted hotels in the U.S.