Pyjamas donated for Women s Refuge
11 May, 2021 04:00 PM
2 minutes to read
Bayleys Jean Clark (second from right) with Yvonne Denny from Women s Refuge and (from left) Emma and Alex (Bayleys admin) and Gordy and a pile of new pyjamas. Photo / Paul Brooks
Bayleys Jean Clark (second from right) with Yvonne Denny from Women s Refuge and (from left) Emma and Alex (Bayleys admin) and Gordy and a pile of new pyjamas. Photo / Paul Brooks
Paul Brooks is editor of Whanganui Midweek, in your letterbox every
On Monday the team at Bayleys handed over a pile of new, winter pyjamas to Yvonne Denny, centre manager of Whanganui Women s Refuge.
Whanganui lobby group wants more teeth for local alcohol policy
4 May, 2021 05:00 PM
3 minutes to read
Safer Whanganui is lobbying the Justice Minister to give local alcohol policies more teeth after the granting of a new licence has exceeded the limit for Whanganui. Photo / 123RF
Safer Whanganui is lobbying the Justice Minister to give local alcohol policies more teeth after the granting of a new licence has exceeded the limit for Whanganui. Photo / 123RF
Liz Wylie is a reporter for the Whanganui
Frustration over the toothlessness of Whanganui s local alcohol policy has prompted calls for a review of the law.