CADILLAC â Around 1 p.m. Tuesday, a notice was sent out saying the Wexford County Finance Committee had been moved from its original Thursday meeting time to March 16.Â
While that in itself is not significant, changes to meeting times happens all the time, it was a little foreshadowing for what was to come later in the day. After a 4-0 vote by the members of the Wexford County Executive Committee, Gary Taylor, Mike Bengelink, Mike Musta and Joe Hurlburt, the Wexford County Courthouse was closed beginning Wednesday and continuing through March 14. The closure was the result of COVID-19 concerns and a string of recent positive cases in county employees.
Q:Â While having to walk one of the allyâs recently in Cadillac we noticed that they are icy and slippery. We were wondering why hasnât some dirt, salt or both been put on the alleys?
A: Rover contacted Cadillac Department of Public Works Operations Manager Ken Payne to see if he could help him out. As usual, Payne had an answer for the newshound.
He told Rover the city does salt the alleys that have concrete or asphalt base. The city also uses sand for gravel alleys when needed. Payne told Rover most of the gravel alleys are on flat terrain with a very low-speed limit, so sand isn t needed on those as much as the alleys in hillier sections of the city.
Q: Why can t the octagonal building be left where it is and have done the same projects that are planned at the Veterans Park?
A: After years of discussing the issue of what to do with the historic octagonal building, Wexford County let the public know last May that demolition was a real option. In light of the county s finances and the real possibility that revenues from the state will be significantly less than normal, the county didn t have the money to fix it.
While there have been numerous people in the community who have come together to make the historic structure a viable building, they were unable to come up with the money needed.