WEB Windenergie startet Kapitalerhöhung Die AG W.E.B führt eine Kapitalerhöhung durch. Bezugsfrist in deren Verlauf Neue Aktien ausschließlich auf Basis von Bezugsrechten gezeichnet werden können am 1. September und läuft bis voraussichtlich 13. Oktober. In der anschließenden Angebotsfrist
everyone, you can put up the full statement there it is, especially for customers with peanut-related allergies, we b have made the difficult decisiot to discontinue serving peanuts on all flights beginning august 1st. it they say they want peanut allergy sufferers to feel safe and welcome on southwest. what about me? i am an animal allergy, i m allergic to cats and dogs. you know only 1% of americans are allergic to peanuts?s? 30% of us are allergic to cats and dogs and the aisles are choked with service animals, emotional support animals, there is an explosion. laura: first of all, peanut allergies are very serious, raymond arroyo, so we have to be very mindful of that. i have a question, what are peanut-related allergies? i ve heard of peanut, but what are the related allergies? dust in the air? i don t know. what happens when i get on board and the lady has a netted carry-on and there s a cat in there. i see the devil eyes staring up
2011 since osama bin laden was killed, all the p.r. and all the military operations have shifted to isis primarily iraq and syria and after president trump came into power, he was extremely aggressive by unleashing our forces, not just our special ops but larger control of infantry to flush out those pockets. it s given al qaeda a significant amount of time to regroup but from what i understand like with any other terror group we ve taken down in israel or have smashed in israel, what happened is you get pieces of these of this organization which smashes into hundreds, if not thousands of small piecesas and what they re able to now operate and what they re now doing going dark that means they re now operating nomad terrorcalled which is essentially they can function instantly independently from central leadership, any type of real organization, and they can go online and they can train and recruit on this dark web to
your country and people are in prison for saying unpopular things there. i don t think so. tucker: well, you are wrong. they are. what would happen to somebody who said i don t want, i m not interested in playing along with this. i don t know what it is. you don t know what this is. leave me alone.t,re teach my kids to read and do math. that person would be dismissed as insensitive, bigoted or worse? no. we b are not judgmental like that. you are saying from the american point of view they would be dismissed as bigoted but in canada they wouldn t be. they would say fine. you have an opinion. others have a different opinion. tucker: if only that were true. that is a country i want to live in where we can disagree, we don t call each other names and we agree to disagree. that is not the country you live in and increasingly it s not the country i live in. it is the country we live in canada. there is a big difference between the united states and canada. that is one of the diff
the chem weapons and the biologicals and we doen know who is going to control this stuff if the regime splits apart. patti ann: it does seem they re heading down the path of instability right now. what does the international community other than the sanctions we already mentioned, you know, he gave the speech to the united nations, the ambassador. what can the united nations do? what can they do here? we can t do very much. we were just sort of watching. we have to show the north koreans we have resolve and that goes back to making sure the military exercises go forward. the other thing is we have relied on china the last decade and a half to sort of reign in the north koreans. we b with the attack, the chinese had less than zero influence. we need to start look to ourselves to scrap solutions on the korean peninsula. north koreans may hate us but they like us better than the chinese because there s been a lot of historical anonymity between north korea and china.