police say he was wearing only a wet diaper, clammy to touch, and had bright redskin. is that your child? yes, it is. turn around, put your hands behind your back. reporter: the child s mother arrested. in 2018, 52 children died in hot cars across the country, and already this year, more than a dozen have lost their lives, including an 18-month-old in galveston, texas, one of three deaths in three days in the state. tom, police tell us that second woman could face charges too. they tell people to leave a cell phone, a handbag, a work i.d., something that will make you go to the back of your car every time you park to prevent these kinds of tragedies. tom? a great tip. all right, thank you. the hot car warning as the first heat wave of the season scorches parts of the country this weekend. let s get to to rob marciano. good evening. hey, tom. from new york to d.c., we are in this heat wave which is going to expand now in the midwest. check it out. big blue h over kentuck
like soul train over here. justin bieber right now. [laughter] sandra: it s a question that plagues new parents every single day. why is my baby crying? now is an app to tell you just that. it is called infant cry translator. it is makers claim it can differentiate between four separate crying sounds, including hunger, wet diaper, sleepiness and pain. the app s developers collected hundreds of thousands of crying sounds from 100 newborn babies to create a database. they say the app has 92% accuracy rate for infants younger than two weeks. all right, babies, you had a couple baby parents. [laughter] harris: you act like you didn t.