Looking for something special – and local – to do this Memorial Day Weekend? The Westport Downtown Association will present the 50th anniversary of the juried Westport Fine Arts Festival, featuring works in various media by an international array of artists. Proceeds help the WDA pay for downtown enhancements. The festival takes place 10 a.m. […]
After weeks of internships, seniors are starting to get comfortable in their new working lifestyle. The last school traditional school day for seniors was on Friday, May 13, and their internships began May 16. This program allows students to have real world opportunities to learn about topics that they are interested in beyond the confines.
#Westport 48th #FineArts #Festival will take place this weekend, Saturday, May 20, and Sunday, May 30 from 10am to 5pm. What a wonderful way to celebrate #MemorialDay weekend and the start of summer!