(Editor’s note: To mark Westmoreland County’s 250th birthday this year, we’ve come up with a list of 250 things — 10 things in 25 communities — that we consider to be important to the makeup of our area. This series will appear each week through December. If you have a
The last hurrahs of the fall festival and Halloween seasons welcome visitors this weekend. Bushy Run Battlefield in Penn Township tries out a new programming approach to replace its traditional hayrides while local vendors gather for the Irwin Farm Market. Bushy Run Duncan Campbell Haunting In replacement of the traditional
Arts • Westmoreland Performing Arts will perform “Rocky Horror Picture Show” at 8 p.m. and midnight Oct. 27 and 28 at the Westmoreland County Community College Science Hall Theatre. Tickets: 724-672-3322 or westmorelandperformingarts.com. Church News • Greensburg Church of the Brethren will host a revival “Jesus Is Coming” at 6
The current exhibit in Westmoreland Historical Society’s education center at Historic Hanna’s Town is titled, “Westmoreland 250! Celebrating Our Story With 25 Objects.” That’s actually a bit of a misnomer, said collections manager Joanna Moyar. It’s more like 25 displays, some with multiple objects — but that just means there’s