Warning to thank politics and prose and cspan for thinking inform of the series to cover. You dont gate these kind of people in this kind of room without getting the kind of coverage. Want to thank you for being here tonight for our fifth installment. I want you to feel free. Feel welcome, feel at home. Come to the microphone, ask a question, intelligent, civil, and we will answer, and i want to, without further adieu, introduce this great, great panel. Were going to do some work from their career, and well get into the discussion, and i will start off with someone who i have such respect for, such admiration, such love for, dr. Mary Frances Berry. She has a list of things she has done. She has been jailed for fighting against apartheid in south africa. The list goes on and on. She is also the author of the book, five dollars and a pork chop, from which and the corruption corruption in democracy. She has a new book coming out, history teaches us to [applause] next to dr. Mary francesbe