Dimapur, July 23 (EMN): The Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) and NGOs of the newly created Niuland district on Saturday passed some resolutions on pertinent issues such as developmental problem, unabated taxation by Naga political groups (NPGs), land allotment and free flow of alcohol and drugs into the district. The resolutions were passed at the WSH’s co-ordination meeting with several leading civil society organisations of Niuland district such as Niuland District GBs’ Association, Niuland Area Citizens’ Forum, Niuland Development Council, Niuland Area GBS Association, Niuland Area Totimi Hoho and Niuland Area Students’ Union, at the DC conference hall in Niuland Town, according to an update received here on Saturday. The house passed a resolution not to pay taxes to any Naga political groups “as this has become the main reason for hampering the growth and development of Niuland in every sphere”. ‘Lapses and omissions in the land allotment by Niuland district administration to
Dimapur, July 18 (EMN): The Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) has extended its support to Nagaland In-service Doctors’ Association (NIDA) on the demand of enhancement of superannuation age. WSH in a press release said though the announcement on enhancement of superannuation age was made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 26, 2016, but the state government is yet to fulfill it. “There is an acute shortage of doctors in our state especially in rural areas and by increasing their retirement age, it would serve as a respite from the acute shortage,” WSH said. In addition, the two newly upcoming medical colleges in Kohima and Mon districts would require a huge number of doctors to run these colleges, it stated. Further, with the creation of the four new districts -Tseminyu, Niuland, Chümoukedima and Shamator- the state would require additional doctors to cater the needs of the rising population as many vacancies would be needed to fill up, WSH said. WSH appealed to the state government to
Dimapur, June 8 (EMN): The Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) has said that it will not accept the state government’s recent notification on inter-district boundary between Peren and Chumoukedima (erstwhile Dimapur) districts and demanded to revoke it within seven days. In a memorandum to the chief minister, the WSH warned that it, along with its frontal organizations will impose a total bandh in Dimapur district if the government fails to revoke the notification and that the state government will be held responsible if any untoward incidents occur. Alleging that the government’s move was designed to divide western Sumi villages that have boundary problem, the hoho demanded to “flush out” illegal encroachers from other states. It also demanded to either include all the Sumi villages in Peren-Chumoukedima border in the newly created Chumoukedima district or let it remain with Dimapur district as was in the past. Also read: Nagaland Government demarcates Peren-Chümoukedima boundary
The celebratory spirit of Christmas and the new year came early for the Western Sumi people with the upgradation of Niuland and Chümoukedima as the 14th and 15th districts of Nagaland respectively.Upgradation or expansion of administrative set ups may not be a guarantee for good governance, but it certainly is justification for obtaining whatever schemes […]
Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) has appealed to all organisations, unions and Naga political groups (NPGs) to extend total cooperation by stopping all forms of fund/donation drives and taxations within its jurisdiction in Dimapur and the two newly-created districts of Chümoukedima and Niuland.WSH president Shikaho Zhimomi and general secretary Kisheto Chishi in a press release said […]