It flattens out for a period of time. Nobody knows how long because nobodys been here before. But if you look at the number of total admissions, 18,000, 18,000, 18,000. Thats definitely a flattening. Thats good news. Still going up a little bit, by the way. Go back a second. Still going up a little bit, but a basic flattening as opposed to increasing gaps. The total number of hospitalizations, net down, a little bit up, a little bit down. But overall just follow the line. Dont get caught up in the daytoday. As we say, threeday rolling average, which is more accurate than any one day, is down again. The net change in i. C. U. Admissions is down. Again, i discount this i. C. U. Admissions because the old demarcation of an i. C. U. Bed in a hospital and regular bed in the hospital is gone. Almost every bed is basically an i. C. U. Bed. Net change in i. C. U. Admissions is also down. Intubations is real. Intubations is the worst number. If you go on a ventilator, 80 , when its down its goo
Went to do so we have with us, we have the president of Empire College who i worked with for many years, very helpful on this mission. Commissioner of Health Doctor Howard Zucker my but, general Patrick Murphy who knows more, and to his left is general agreement shield. Thank you for being here today. This is an amazing accomplishment, transformative, the Javits Center looks entirely different. This is a place that is literally going to save lives. Let me go through some facts, where we are, and make some comments to all the women and men who are assembled and do such a great job on this facility. The increase in the number of cases continues. We see the trajectory going up. A plan of action all along, when one flattened the curve, we increase capacity. Flattening the curve meaning if you do it as well as you can do it hopefully there is no high point of the curve, no apex. It is a flatter lower curve. So the Hospital Capacity to keep up with, that is what this is about, not overwhelmi
Brennan and jon fortt. Markets have been well off the highs. Dow was up 937, trying to hang on to about 400 points on the dow right now. Lets bring in mark mahaney of rbc, david lovevitz of jpmorgan. We knew 2700, 2750 would be a bit of a battleground and its turning out to be exactly that yes, exactly. One of the things thats occurred here over the past couple days really over the course of the past weekend is you finally saw consensus earnings system begin to come down and the narrative that had been in the Market Equities are looking cheap, the question we were always asking was cheap relative to what earnings . When you use the new estimates that are around 145 a share, you know what youre seeing is stocks are looking fairly valued not outright cheap and i think thats a big part of why were seeing things run into resistance at these levels mark, its a great opportunity, davids answer, to ask you how in the world analysts are coming up with any kind of estimates given the lack of gu
Thats what you see going on today, issues that are taken on are the likes of boeing and disney and exxon mobil with oil week and oil related issues and services are taking on as well. Earlier on i told you in the week whats happening in the front and of the socalled yield curve when one in three month bills were returning negative rates, if you want to park your money at a bank in a negative rate environment, your to pay the bank for the privilege of hanging on tour your dough, that is no longer the phenomenon right now as yields have turned positive on the shorterterm security. There was a flipside to the argument and theres less then a reason to move over to stocks. If there are no more negative, they are very, very low, they are extremely low but bottom line they are better than where they were. Lets get to read from hilary vaughn, the relief package coming from the house of representatives. They had some yelling and screaming going into this but their intense abating about in a pas
Weekend. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gave an update on the confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths. The Governor Also Announced Public Schools in the state would be closed for another two weeks until april 15. Good morning everyone. Let me introduce who we have with us today. To my far right we have the president of Empire College who i worked with for many years and has been helpful here on this mission. Our commissioner of health to my left is the general Patrick Murphy who will say more in a moment and to his left is general shields. Thank you for being here today for this is an amazing a compliment transformative in just one week this center looks entirely different and this was a place that is literally going to save lives. Let me go through some facts if i can on a daily update of where we are and then i want to make some comments to all the women and men who are assembled and did such a great job on this facility. The increase in the number of cases continues. We still see tha