Submit Release January 19, 2021 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News While the coronavirus pandemic has affected small and large businesses across the globe, the Sewing and Vacuum Authority saw an uptick in sales throughout 2020. The steadfast business that this Kentucky and Indiana-based retailer has experienced is not just a stroke of luck but thanks to an adaptable business plan that has included expanding two of the retail storefronts into bigger and better locations, as well as an expansion of the services and product lines offered at all three Sewing and Vacuum Authority locations.
For almost 40 years, the Sewing and Vacuum Authority has been located near Westport Road in Louisville, Kentucky. In recent decades the company carved out a niche as the go-to location for customers interested in buying quality vacuum cleaners and cleaning supplies from a local business. However, in 2020 all of this changed as company President Russell Gay decided to both add an entirely new