I will leave the mean-spirited generalizations about the people who live in Florida alone in this rebuttal to Darryl Benjamin’s commentary and present facts. Florida is 52.7 % white, 26.8% Hispanic and 17% Black while Vermont is 92.2 white, 2.2% Hispanic, and 1.5% Black from U.S. Census data. Not much for Vermont to brag about there. Additionally, it is well documented that Black Americans are leaving liberal Northeast blue cities like New York and Chicago, among others, and heading for (trigger warning) the South. Florida is also amazingly gay-friendly. Some towns like St. Petersburg and Miami have multiple gay areas
BRATTLEBORO On the second day of the homicide trial of Kevin Parker, 62, formerly of Wardsboro, jurors heard from the former town clerk of Wardsboro, a neighbor on Gilfeather