On Tuesday, authorities announced the arrest of Daniel Montalto for a domestic violence-related incident where he allegedly fired his gun multiple times during the incident that occurred overnight.
The two major political parties in Chester County have their slate of endorsed candidates for this year’s primary election and set up a possible fall face-off between Democratic incumbent Chrissy Houlahan and a political newcomer, Neil Young of East Nantmeal, for the 6th Congressional District seat. Both party conventions occurred last week, with the Chester County Democratic Committee meeting via video link and the Chester County Republican Committee opting to hold an in-person convention at Stetson Middle School in Westtown. Young, a social studies teacher and wrestling coach in the Great Valley School District, won a contest for the Chester […]
The two major political parties in Chester County have their slate of endorsed candidates for this year’s Primary Election, and set up a possible fall face-off between Democratic incumbent Chrissy Houlahan and a political newcomer, Neil Young of East Nantmeal, for the 6th Congressional District seat. Both party conventions occurred last week, with the Chester […]