Posted at 12:06h, 03 April
All other things aside, I noted with interest – and disdain – in your article, that this guy refers to those against him as “…part of the patriot movement.” He needs to explain himself. Since when is being an American Patriot – no organizational or ideology affiliations inferred, except to support America and the Constitution that grants him the freedoms he exercises – a point for debate or condemnation? This goof paints with a very broad brush. Not a very wise comment from a purported “intellectual.”
Posted at 12:22h, 03 April
The city of Urbana’s ‘policies’ for the OMA and FOIA are faulty to the bone; so its understandable that Mr. Sacks (an assistant professor) would endeavor to make it seem like the skin of the city has no recourse. Unfortunately, an external blame strategy appears to thrive by way of certain City of Urbana administrative appointments.