if he was injured, how do you think he got injured? was he shot, was he hit by a vehicle? so he was laying face-down on the ground reporter: jake, if it s okay with you, we re going to go to another witness who saw all of this unfold. sir, what is your name? eugene duff. reporter: eugene, where were you when all of this happened? i was coming out of work. i work on pier 26. i was walking down the world trade center. when i m on west streetwalking and i m getting ready to cross the street because the light was taking a long time. i said to myself, wow, this light s taking a long time, all the cars are flying by. when the light finally changed, i hear a commotion, a girl screaming at the top of her lungs. i m like, it s halloween, maybe somebody s spooked. so when i go back to the sidewalk, i look down and i see a white pickup truck like a couple of more blocks down in the bike path. so automatically i know something s wrong. then as i go down to more towards where the girl i