From cultural enlightenment to free doughnuts to helpful information about senior scams, there’ll be plenty to do and see, learn and enjoy at the West Side Senior Expo, slated for 8 a.m. to noon Wednesday, July 26, at Northwest High School, 6005 Cedar Hill Road, near Hwy. 30 in Cedar Hill.
Vendors will be on hand with products and services of interest to those age 50 and older. Many will offer free items and door prize raffles, so smart visitors will bring along pre-printed address labels to make signing up easy.
Grand Times, Leader Publications’ magazine for seniors, is now accepting entries for its “Picture Your Pet” photography contest, which is open to readers 50 and older in Jefferson County and Eureka. Seniors also are invited to the Wednesday, July 26, West Side Senior Expo, which will run from 8 a.m. to noon at Northwest High School, 6005 Cedar Hill Road, near Hwy. 30 in Cedar Hill.