Packard Agency Sales Manager Mark Malloy provides a variety of benefits services to clients. Photo courtesy of Packard Agency RICHFIELD In the sea of insurance and Medicare options, shoppers often encounter a fair share of confusion and pitfalls. Having a partner to help traverse those waters can be vital, according to Mark Malloy, sales
Winners of Safety Kids Calendar announced DOWNTOWN AKRON Winners of the Summit County Prosecutor’s Office Safety Kids Calendar contest were recognized Nov. 2. According to the Prosecutor’s Office, over 1,000 submissions from 10 different schools in Summit County were received. The grand-prize winner was 13-year-old Emmah Cottrill, a seventh grader at Springfield Junior High
I wanted to share how the Herberich [Primary School] playground project has been going. We want to thank the West Side Leader for helping us kick-start our campaign with the great story this past February []. Since then, we’ve had some really fantastic success. To date we’ve had four major fundraisers that include a Silent
Leader Publications, publisher of the West Side Leader and South Side News Leader newspapers and, is asking for your support. As with many small businesses, we are experiencing hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are able to provide the Greater Akron community with free publications because of our advertisers, and many of them
Wedding announcements must be postmarked no later than three months after wedding date to be considered for publication. In addition, the bride, groom, their parents and/or their grandparents must live in the West Side Leader or South Side News Leader coverage area. Wedding InformationWedding Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Place of Wedding Minister's Name