Kevin Calabro March 8, 2021 (4:15 pm)
Is there any reason 63rd Ave SW can’t have speed bumps or crosswalks at the half block? It’s a drag strip, some mitigation is needed imo. .
Joe Z March 8, 2021 (4:36 pm)
This is nice! Fills in a missing gap from High Point to the Junction. The only bummer is that the north end connection to the rest of the bike network via Alaska is inconvenient. I wouldn’t want to bike up the hill to 42nd just to come back to Fauntleroy. As someone who lives near the Avalon Triangle what would really make sense is to have protected bike lanes on Fauntleroy from 35th to Morgan Junction…that’s the most direct route and the least hilly. Then one could take this Greenway to get to High Point. SDOT really needs to start emphasizing filling in the missing gaps in the bike network, it’s annoying that the most direct routes are not used.
Two weeks ago, we reported on the plan to build the
West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway all the way into North Admiral, instead of having its north end at The Junction. The city also announced two drop-in meetings for feedback, and plans for a survey. The first of those meetings is tomorrow morning – and the survey is open now. You can answer it here, and/or stop by
Uptown Espresso at California/Edmunds/Erskine, 10:30-noon on Saturday. Meantime, from an update sent by SDOT, more information about the greenway plan:
Our final route for the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway reflects many of the needs we heard from the community to connect people with schools, parks, local businesses, and the greater transportation network. The new neighborhood greenway will bring affordable, active transportation options for all ages and abilities.