One lane of Highland between West Stephenson Avenue and Capps Road will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 19 from 7 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. for man hole repairs. Detours can be taken on West Ridge Avenue …
Winds from Winona will blow into Galesville’s venue at the Old Main Cultural Center with Dr. Frank and Ruth Bures, Ryan Ballanger, and Chris Buswell to play a clarinet concert
Winona’s Flutistry flute ensemble will present a wide variety of flute music, including holiday favorites in a concert on Sunday, December 4, at 3 p.m. at Old Main in Galesville.
Frank Bures, clarinetist, will bring friends from Winona who play wind instruments to Old Main in Galesville for a concert of popular and classical music on Sunday, October 16, at