City of Galion prepares for heavy snowfall
GALION The City of Galion is preparing for the predicted heavy snow storm approaching the region.
The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning that is in effect through 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16 for north central, northwestern, and northeastern Ohio, including Crawford County. Estimated snowfall amounts range from 8 to 12 inches.
In light of the projected snowfall, Galion city officials have released information regarding snow removal from streets inside city limits.
Within Galion city limits, streets are prioritized as follows:
• Mains Ohio 598/Portland Way, Ohio 19/Harding Way, Ohio 61/309, Sixth Avenue.
• Secondary Mains Church Street, Dawsett Avenue, Erie Street, Fairview Avenue, Gill Avenue, Grove Avenue, Heise Park Lane, Market Street, Sherman Street, South Boston Street, West Railroad Street, Winchester Road.