Tomorrow, Arlington County officials will officially mark the reopening of the West Glebe Road Bridge after a year-long rehabilitation project. Tuesday’s event comes after the bridge opened to pedestrians and cyclists last month, though it reopened to vehicular traffic this March. In May of 2022, the county embarked on a $10 million project to shore up A month after reopening, Arlington County officials will hold a ribbon-cutting for the West Glebe Road Bridge to mark the end of a year-long rehabilitation project.
First Day of School Three Weeks Away " It seems as if summer just started, but before you know it, the 2022-23 school year in Arlington will be starting. The
Arlington County officials say construction on the superstructure of the bridge will begin on May 9th and is expected to be completed in the summer of 2023.
The Mount Vernon Avenue bridge is a vital link between Alexandria and Arlington, but it's in rough shape and in desperate need of a refit. This morning (Friday)