An estimated 20,000 Iowans are now under voluntary or mandatory water restrictions due to drought conditions. It’s adding more strain on rural utilities that have long struggled to provide safe drinking water because of agricultural pollution.
One of the region’s chief water providers, West Central Iowa Rural Water Association (WCIRWA), issued a voluntary emergency water conservation order this (Wednesday) morning as dry conditions continue. The order affects thousands of customers in rural areas of Audubon, Calhoun, Carroll, Crawford, Guthrie, Ida, Sac and Shelby Counties and includes over 10 communities in the listening area: Arcadia, Arthur, Charter Oak, Dedham, Halbur, Kiron, Lidderdale, Schleswig, Templeton, Vail and Westside. WCIRWA is recommending residents use private wells when possible and avoid large-volume usages, such as watering lawns, filling pools, washing vehicles or equipment and other similar practices. The order is currently voluntary, but additional conservation measures may be required if drought conditions worsen. For more information, contact WCIRWA using the information included below.