Brand new at Taste of Soul, the Bakewell Builds Better Communities Pavilion will highlight generational wealth building through Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and carpentry. HPP Cares and Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters Union will provide all the information and resources California homeowners need to capitalize on this important new investment opportunity.
More than 63,000 people throughout Southern California are represented by the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters (SWRCC), also known as the Southwest Carpenters. This massive organization is collaborating with the Taste of Soul, uplifting the community on October 15, on Crenshaw Blvd., Los Angeles, California.
Prospective carpenters and hiring contractors gathered in downtown Los Angeles on March 26, at 6 a.m., as the Southwest Carpenters held their first post-pandemic Carpenter’s Combine Day at L.A. Trade Technical College.