continue at scale in safety, as well. the u.s. head been pains to point out they will evacuate until the last minute. but we will obviously have to wait and see high viable that is given the dltifficulty of getti people to the airport and how the capacity to get them will drop over time. yesterday s major problem was trying to get the remaining special access groups, people who have an arrangement with the taliban and the u.s., to get themselves on to the airport. there were buses, buses, people circulating around the eric unable to find a slot to get in. that may or may not have been resolved, but we are looking at operations, racing against the clock with the background threat of isis still there. so many moving pieces, and the clock ticking as you say. thank you so much. cnn military analyst and former nato supreme allied retire d general wesically cla with us. what more can you tell us about the reprisal attack and the