they told me, go to the house, police are there. do not take giselle. i m freaking out, and i walk in, and my sister is not there. her door is open, her lights are on, her bed s undone. my head started spinning. everything was horrible and i felt it. detective joey ramirez with the orange police department got the call that evening. and he also had a bad feeling about everything. it sounds like you were taking this pretty seriously from the get-go. absolutely. why couldn t she be off by herself, or with some other friends, or maybe she lost her phone or forgot to call? that was our hope, that she was just missing, that she would come walking through the door. but her family and friends expressed that she was very responsible. and nobody s heard from her? nobody. so ramirez and his team went into action. they quickly figured out that if she left on her own accord, it didn t look like maribel had
who had come onto strong he was in japan. none of them could be connected to her disappearance. so in the end there was just one person they couldn t stop looking at. the first person to report maribel missing, her roommate. this is not an emergency and she didn t come home last night. he was also the last to see her alive. i thought that she was dead. there was a high probability that joint was responsible for it and he knew a lot more than he was telling us. so detective ramirez became the shadow appearing in the morning after the police interview, a cheerful joint
called into question. that s why we didn t arrest him right away. police needed to see exactly what casey joy was doing on those library computers and that would require a very unusual plan. they obtained a search warrant to watch every move made on the computer. this is a recording of casey s actual computer key strokes and mouse clicks. that s casey checking his email. that s casey applying for a job. that s casey typing in how long does it take a body to decay. suspicious maybe but not enough. and then he did this. he pulled up a facebook page, show there was gonna be an awareness walk in the near future. a walk to help find maribel? it was. he google maps that park in zoomed in on to it and then pan
soap as work for the gas company in the company truck. the gps on that truck was nowhere near the city of orange. the nightmare bell was seen on that security video. that is, until about midnight. that s when he went home. he said he was alone and he can prove it. so the surveillance camera that was enough to get lopez off the list. maribel had never mentioned he d been a problem and police didn t think he was involved. there was the photographer from out of the area at the hi. time in question i m richard lui with break news,. and the veteran from cal state
and nothing? nothing. no maribel on security tape from any nearby store. police checked all of them. they found only this image from the security camera outside the manager s office for her apartment complex. it s maribel paying the rent. it s may 2nd, 8:18 p.m., the night before anyone realized she had disappeared. maribel seems to be alone. so what the cops needed to do wais talk to everyone who was anyone in maribel s life. turns out there were a lot of people they suddenly needed to get to know, including a current boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend, and someone maribel had just met, a guy she d made a date with online, a guy whose name maribel had apparently kept completely to herself. coming up, the men in maribel s life suddenly under scrutiny. you know you re not under arrest or anything like that. i wouldn t think so. and that haunting phone call. i m just scared. something had happened to make her pretty scared. yes. there s nothing to say what that was. right.