atmosphere. but then they didn t take that knowledge and try to reform their behavior. instead, they started to try to fund campaigns to confuse the american public about whether climate change was actually happening. they essentially funded a denialist campaign so they wouldn t have to reduce their behavior. they wouldn t have to change their behavior to reduce the emissions that cause climate change. that would come out in discovery in any sort of lawsuit. the oil companies worried? are they scared? the oil companies are fighting tooth and nail to try to get every one of these cases dismissed. one reason is they don t want to have to pay the money. but i think a second reason is they don t want their executives having to testify about what they knew, when they knew it, what they did about it. one other thing that is kind of remarkable is as the oil companies were funding these campaigns of disinformation, they spent their own resources to fortify their own assets against what the
trump has ideas about what should be in the news, and frankly, they re all politicians. sometimes speaker pelosi has good evening. ideas about moving some of this i m chris matthews in off or away or delayed. washington. president trump threatens military action against iran chairman nadler is out here telling us this. following an attack on the news tonight, the top prosecutor in new york, the manhattan d.a. world s loorjest o elargest oil. subpoenaing eight years of donald trump s tax return. an investigator inside the trump early morning attacks were in administration is now flagging a saudi arabia cutting its oil whistle-blower complaint that trump s intel chief is allegedly production in half. the united states sees iran hiding. we only know about this tonight behind the attacks. buzz of an urgent warning from mike pompeo accused iran of intel chairman adam schiff stating that trump s top intelligence official is refusing to follow the law that requires he share this credible whis
rhetoric and language around this issue, not to say it isn t warranted in certain respects, ramping up rhetoric around this to seem more presidential if you will because sometimes his poll numbers go up on some foreign policy issues related to this. but this is very tricky for democrats in part because i believe that you want to give the president some latitude to conduct foreign policy, to make these types of engagements, but i don t think anybody trusts him to do so. bring in ken delaney and nbc news reporter, one of the reporters behind this new piece on what do you have? reporter: we re reporting that three sources familiar with the intelligence are saying the u.s. has compelling evidence that this attack originated in iran and that s a significant development because it would be one thing for the iranian
the president be trying to meet with the iranians to diffuse tensions? good idea? bad idea? he is the one that says it is important to talk. my thought is iran won t agree, given the bad relationship that exists. and confusion between him saying he would meet with no preconditions and coming back and saying that was fake. will he keep his foot down on the last sentiment and say i will not meet with them, i think it probably shouldn t happen, i don t think this president is equipped to meet with them. thank you. stay with us. you ll be back. we will be back as well. be back we will be back as well. performance comes in lots of flavors.
there is some evidence that the oil companies helped fund the tea party movement. and as if you watch the tea party movement, one of the issues that activists became very opposed to was action on climate change. in addition again to just a more general advertising campaign, claiming for example, in an infamous ad that carbon dioxide is good for you. lyle remarkable. public nuisance. is that going to be is that going to be an easy argument to win in some of the redder states in a place like oklahoma? well, to be clear, this is going to be a tough battle in all of the states where plaintiffs are suing. right now they re concentrated in coastal states because the evidence that climate change is occurring through sea level rise is really, really strong. and these are cases. they re novel cases. they re big cases. they re asking courts to hold oil companies liable for potentially billions and billions of dollars in damage. but they re not unprecedented as