To introduce our next speaker, i will like to bring and the editor of our journal, wendy swanson. Wendy swanson i am very honored to stand at this pulpit and very honored to be introducing our next speaker, Edna Greene Medford who many of you know. She is a very treasured friend of the Lincoln Group and one of our members. She always provides us with wellcrafted, meaningful remarks. She is an author, much published. The chair of the History Department at howard and coauthor of the publication the emancipation proclamation review. And editor of the price of freedom series, slavery and the civil war. We also have if you have not seen the series by Southern Illinois university press, she is the author of lincoln and emancipation. If you do not know the series, you should become acquainted with it. A series of articles, publications, small books really good Stocking Stuffers about lincoln, a variety of topics. Let me read you a little review from this publication. This is by john martz lac
This program was part of the symposium hosted by the Lincoln Group. And you may wonder why we have this old podium. This pulpit is the one in the old church that pastor gurley would have used during the premartial era while the old church was in action. To introduce our next speaker, i will like to bring and the editor of our lincolnian journal, wendy swanson. Wendy swanson i am very honored to be standing at this pulpit and very honored to be introducing our next speaker, edna greene medford, who many of you know. Shoes are very treasured friend of the lincoln. She is a very treasured friend over the Lincoln Group she is a very treasured friend of the Lincoln Group. And one of our members. She always provides us with wellcrafted, meaningful remarks. She is an author, much published. The chair of the History Department at howard and coauthor of the publication the emancipation proclamation review. And editor of the price of freedom series, slavery and the civil war. We also have if you