all the school closures are now bemoaning the results of their own policies. about one in two adults ins these one in two adults ins america is reporting levels of loneliness. and these numbers are even greater among kids. but what you also find is that loneliness has serious effects on our mental health and our physical health of raising our risk for depression, anxiety and suicide, but also increasing our risk of heartcien disease, stroke, dementia and premature death. e now. remature yeah, well, who would havedes predicted this? well, the lingering effects of shutting kids out of education ,sports , even socialand so ports , even socialand so they have been horrific. t wgoe couldn t go to our fi home come in.n eigh they couldn t have athn eighth grade graduation. you felt if your son had still been in school, he would still be alive. do you still feel that waydos when our present condition is not meantti to be socially isolated? olated? gone into lockdown, he w
the streets with impunity. retail sales are replaced by drug sales.t and as wis bade saw last week reporting in san francisco, it s bad when you get hooked e on drugs, 16 , 17 year. ? you want to get off, you want to get off them. well, look, after drugs. is my medication like this on my open heart surgery?en h so once i had that, i got addicted to my pills. oxy, i m noriko s and even the biggest brand. retailers pull up stakes because of higxyh crime. m anno nordstrom announced tuesday ituc was leaving san francisco because of the constant theft problem. and last month whole foodsodd said it was closing immediately . so i wen fint there to myself ft myself to find out how it was impacting folks. more on that in moments. gs now it s infuriating to see these things happen to goodn to people, but liberal policies