Most recently, a drive-by shooting injured three teenagers attending a funeral reception for 15-year-old Devin Scott at the Wellstone Community Center on the city's West Side.
A double-fatal shooting Saturday bumped St. Paul's 2023 homicide total to five. While that number is down from nine homicides by this point in 2022, all five this year happened within two weeks.
We’re now learning from police that a 14, 16 and 17 year old were the victims of a drive by shooting after a funeral reception at a st. Paul rec center friday night.The funeral was for 15-year-old devin scott, who was fatally stabbing at harding high school earlier this month.Renee cooper joins us live from […]
Three people were shot Friday evening at the funeral reception for 15-year-old Devin Scott, who was fatally stabbed earlier this month at Harding High School, according to Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher.