The Grayville City Council met Monday evening. Under old business, the council has signed an approved a bridge loan to purchase property and complete the engineering work for the water filtration plant. The board approved payment of $16,444.80 to the ISP Health and Wellness Fund following a demand payment audit. The council approved a bit for demolition and clean up of the old Baptist church building for a total of $38,828. $27,400 is for the demolition while the remaining$11,428 is for the removal of asbestos. Finally under old business, the board approved the purchase of a digital school zone radar feedback sign. That sign comes at a cost of $7,051. The city and the school are going 50/50 on that sign. There is also a yearly fee of $1,000 for the modem in the sign. Commissioner Baldwin was the only no vote on the measure.Under new business, the council approved AG&E's Municipal Aggregation Services Agreement as well as the solar PV System Procurement Consulting Agreement. Th
North Carolina moved to the middle of the pack during 2022 when it comes to dedicated state spending on tobacco prevention programs, courtesy of the precedent-setting $40 million settlement with