america. two hundred and forty six birthday. we have so w many wonderful stories to bring to you tonight to display the very best ofal our country. we talked to folks from all across the usa about being an american and what july 4th means. that s right. t i take a trip downo to nashville and sit down with a country artist and very special guest that will include an exclusive live musical performance tonight that you do not want to miss y. and i will take you to new haven, connecticut for a festive independence day celebration. we will hear fromwe americans on the streets of new york tonight at the site of the macy s fireworks show. and get this later tell failure. he s going to joinmy us .. you know, it will be a good time and this is special. we re going to go to and i m ready foret from washington, d.. for the breathtaking parade there. and i go back to my stomping grounds and you re not with my unit, which i can t wait for you guys to see. and of course, there will bee a l
he replace its calls 911, he said there but ann emerson, is it not true that later on he could not keep the story straight he said he pulled up, saw the bodies, called 911 he raced over there. and began to attending to the bodies then yet again he is confronted wh with a time line from the navigation on the car, he said, oh,well un, what i think i was calling 911 while i ran to paul s body, and checked for a pulse, 3 different stories. these are this is a great example of what prosecutor waters was trying to talk about how he is had a change his story, to fit the new timelines, this new information that came in you are talking about a really important data point that came a act across at his
leaving your side. even i can t tell his name, but i met them a year ago at the patriot awards and immediately she rememberedd my sin and i thought he was just joking around. she remembers it and so were you a little bit nervous when you had to pick a pseudonym, have a dog bite??convince me your producers have to convince me to do when i come here ? that swa what i was trying to we had to do some training. yeah. so i couldou putld the suit on , but i stood in that position for daddy. i bharu that suit. i mean those jobs well they re trying to go for specific places, right. i meaney that s cool but but what makes these dogs so unique is that they have the ability to switch it on and be currently and be around family friends and then go into war as well.un and keep our servicemen. did you learn anything about the training process, how long it takes? d i don t want to say, oh , we ve got bywords.
authorities brought them to the airport as part of a reenactment of the fatal attack along with prosecutors lawyers and a trial judge the two women have pleaded not guilty. kong s democracy protest leaders nathan law and joshua wong have been released from prison on jan on bail the two were jailed in august for their roles in the anti china protest of twenty fourteen known as the umbrella revolution plays a lot of things as supporters and said he and wong were due to appear back in court on november seventh. well u.n. donor conference has raised some three hundred forty million dollars for a range of refugees but the sum has fallen well short of the target agencies say is so badly needed the u.n. has warned that the number of broken your fleeing a new wave of ethnic violence and million more will soon exceed one million well every day more refugees streaming across the border into bangladesh and its