Roma, 22 ago – Ancora caos all’Aeroporto di Kabul durante le operazioni di evacuazione con altre vittime per la calca di afghani che cerca di raggiungere gli .
a course to merge in some way in the future that s too early to tell by and large the taliban are stronger insurgent organization well isis is more professional terrorism wise. in perpetrating terrorist attacks but what we do see is that has lost its core it doesn t have a capital anymore it has lost muscle it has lost its syrian capital syria and might not be the money flowing from rocko or mosul to afghanistan anymore so that new we might see a new coalitions emerged. among gone insurgents perhaps in the end even between the taliban but i think that is too early to tell let me ask you about the collapse of islamic state in syria in iraq. the jihad is the fighters there who were fighting for islamic state where are they now. first and foremost they are dead
appear to be willing to attack places that are so well secured but first the government is weak and that is something we have seen for years and no with isis or with enough gonna stop there is a new professionalism we have seen all over the place in yemen and libya and egypt that this is seems to be a stronger insurgent opponent than the taliban or other organizations have been in recent years and they do attack hard targets. stronger than the taliban i mean it itself is a remarkable development is it possible to say that the taliban and islamic state are are they on a course to merge in some way in the future that s too early to tell by and large the taliban are stronger insurgent organization well isis is more
european european border controls at least in most countries in the strongest countries are better then than in previous years but they might go to other other countries where we don t expect them. just like in north africa they might go they might even go to the caucuses we have seen examples in recent months where important personnel was able to leave syria go to go through turkey for example to georgia and nobody expected a larger terrorist cell over there but it it was about you just one big as always we appreciate you coming on the show and giving us your analysis thank you. these are called islamic state is facing major setbacks on the ground in syria and iraq as we heard some say it is actually completely defeated will that means many of the fighters who flocked to join i guess are returning to their home countries many of them came from right here from europe so how are those countries dealing