chris: we did not get into that. eric: and in the wake of the killing of bin laden, he feels the taliban are being degraded. chris: absolutely and we talked about the situation in pakistan really, a breach. and i asked about the fact five informants who helped us get bin laden were arrested and, the army chief of staff is under real fire from the pakistani military and they think he is too pro mann-american and i ask him, is interest a breach and he said i don t know how close we are to a breach but we need each other and somehow we have to find a way to make it work, though there are tensions on both sides. eric: besides having mr. gates on you also had jon stewart? we are one of his favorite whipping posts, even though when i was on his show, he was gracious and hilarious. what was it like sitting with him and what did you guys discuss? chris: you have a clip, will you play that. eric: right here. let s go with it. chris: okay.
eric: one more point, john huntsman announces day after tomorrow. keep an eye on both. happy father s day. thank you. same to you. jamie: shift gears. protect your dad. this is the time of year you re probably stocking up on sun screen. new rules that were just issued by the fda. they are going to change the amount of information you ll get on what you buy. so we asked this question. which ones are worth the price? it s today s take charge consumer protection segment. what to look for and how to save money on real protection. that s next. but first, a special father s day greeting. my name is captain jayson. deployed to asia from springfield, virginia. hi to my father in idaho. love you, dad. miss you. see you soon. until the sun went down
saying 1400 syrians have been killed since protesters started demanding the president step down three months ago. eric: new numbers suggesting that as of now the race for the white house could be a tossup. a new gallup poll shows president obama losing to an unnamed republican if the election were held today. you know it s a different story when the republican opponent is named. take a look at this. a poll shows it beating mitt romney and the other g.o.p. candidate in head-to-head matchup. what does it say about the race? ask our political panel. corey, let s start with you. good morning. good morning. the poll shows when it s the incumbent, the president, versus anonymous, anon-mouse wins. what does that mean?
verizon. jamie: welcome back, everybody. just days before he steps down, defense secretary robert gates speaking out on u.s. troop withdrawal from afghanistan. as president obama reportedly nears a decision on how to move forward with that withdrawal. good morning. i m jamie colby. eric: i m eric shawn. welcome to a brand new hour of america s news headquarters on this father s day sunday. outgoing defense secretary robert gates offering his thoughts in an exit interview with fox news sunday. steve centanni live in washington with the details of the interview. steve, what did the secretary say about the draw-dawn in
bronchitis. 440,000 cases of upper and lower respiratory symptoms. and, 1.9 million days of work or school missed due to illness. is the clean air act at work and we need to enforce the law. reporter: the cox man whose district includes the coal plant, cast president obama as a foe of sensible energy policy. 70 to 80% of the particular matter is no longer discharged and for them to try to get to the 90% level, i think is a little draconian. reporter: west virginia s per capita rates of asthma, cancer and cancer deaths rank the state the highest in the country and compounding the problem is the fact the unemployment rate in recent months exceeded the national average. jamie: our thanks to james rosen for that report. eric. eric: there s new developments in the search for missing indiana student lauren sieier, and now there is a break