bad for florida press conference. specially armed vehicles are swarming the streets of tampa for the convention, out of $50 million in federal grant money that tampa got, $3 million left. close to 4,000 officers will be on the street, protecting conventiongoers as the schedule is a bit up in the air with the details about what is moving, what is coming and changing by the minute. we will keep you updated. the tampa mayor has been on the ground, trying to prepare for the convention and making sure that the residents will be visiting in the wake of tropical storm isaac. he will be here after the break to tell us about the latest and republican governors unit in opposition to the welfare work requirement. the arizona governor is among them. we ll sit down live with governor jan brewer after the break.
the biggest problem a lot of people have is the massive expansion of the food stamp program. we have more feel on food stamps than ever before. they have liberalized the rules, and a lot of people think they need to tighten that up. president obama is trying to undo the work requirement. we think we need instead of putting more people on governor branstad, they haven t done that. they haven t undone the work requirements. i m trying to understand the work requirements. you levelled a charge about the welfare work requirement, it turns out that s not true. where did you get your information? it absolutely is, i was one of the governors that helped get it and when we passed it, it was designed not to be waived and now the president of the united
then senator obama made it clear he believes that candidates could pull back the reins when necessary. speaking of a pro-john edwards ad put together by outside group run by a former edwards staffer obama said, the fact is this is somebody who works for john edwards for the last who knows how many years, who is a good friend and colleague of edward, now running a 527 that is running ads on behalf of edwards. he laughs and continues. you are telling me he has no influence over him? that is not true. romney has issued a public call to elevate the 2012 campaign controversy. mr. president, take your campaign out of the gutter. let s talk about the real issue that america faces. reporter: the obama campaign continues to fire back, denouncing romney ad that says the president has done away with welfare work requirement. and noting it comes straight from the campaign and not the third party super-pac. bret? bret: shannon, thank you. doctors mayo clinic say congressman jesse jackson jun
mitt romney says president obama wants to gut welfare reform. the president s people say they want to make things easier for administrators and caseworkers. who is right? jim angle with a fact check. whothose who worked on the welfare reformula say it was to prevent any work law. it cannot issue any waivers about this section of the law. basically that would have defeated pretty much the entire purpose of the law. if the administration argues it will not weaken that provision it claims the authority to wave it. the lawyers at hhs figured out what i would call a loophole that allows them to actually make this waiver. many may be surprise to do learn the welfare work
two people wounded in the shooting and hospitalized have now been released. a number of past republicans are questioning the legal grounds for the changes to welfare work requirement. doug luzader is live with the latest for us. republicans are really incensed about this. they say the president had over stepped his authority here. this comes down to a new administration policy to allow states the ways of the work requirements on welfare. that was part of the massive welfare reform effort back in the 90s hammered out by then president bill clinton working with republican congress. the idea is to try to transition welfare recipients back into the work force. the new administration policy would allow states the options of pairing back those requirements now. 76 house republicans are asking health and human services secretary kathleen seb beaccept