telling us neither brother wiped their computer hard drive before the bombings and neither brother directly received welfare assistance. but their parents did. that includes federally funded food stamps from october 2002 to november 2004. then from august 2009 to december 2011. we know tamerlan received federal and state assistance to go to community college. we are learning a lot about these suspects now. there is also a lot more we would like to know as the investigation goes on. but here in copley plaza, the focus not at all on the suspects, it s on the victims and the survivors. we are learning the american orthotic and prosthetics association plans to pay for free artificial limbs for the victims who were forced to have amputations. back to you in new york.
rutgers could lose major money per netty, that s better. why don t you well, should a family s welfare assistance be based on its child s classroom performance? that s the call from a bill proposed by tennessee senator stacy canfield. it says if kids do not maintain satisfactory progress in school, the family s assistance will be slashed up to 30%. he says it will help hold parents accountable for their kids work. the bill has passed committees in both the state house and the senate and could soon be voted
accessible. millions was americans suffer and only 11 percent in proper treatment programs. costs more to do it corporate america drug test. is it kind of the same thing. hold ohold on. simple. we ll get marjorie in it. if i work for fox and they want to drug test me. ifip fail, they fire my. why can t we do that with welfare assistance. there is it plentev - plenty of other programs that they don t get tested. corporate america is one thing and an question but harder to implement. but a simple moral end to this eric. legalized druppings and end welfare and costs taxpayers no one. johnathon that is a big can of worms. thank you very for joining us.
tennessee. we talked to him about his latest project, a bill which would cut welfare assistance by 30% for households where the children fail to make satisfactory academic progress. we re specifically focused on this penalty of increasing the withdrawal by 30% of the amount of money that s paid in temporary assistance to needy families. what i want to know is how will doing that help these children? well, what we re seeing in tennessee and probably across the nation from the e-mails i m getting is that we have a three-part stool for education. it s one part the schools, one part the teachers, and one part the family. probably the most important part is the family. unfortunate unfortunately, we have some families who don t care if their kids get an education or stay in school. what we re say something if your kid is quitting school, not showing up, showing up at 11:00
check and balance obviously to be able to go in and sign a paper. i wanted to ask you one last question, why not just limit the amount of money that welfare recipients can spend on lottery tickets like say $10? wouldn t it be great if a welfare recipient actually won the lottery? it would be if that were checked and then they had to then pay back the money that they have received from welfare assistance. like i said eligibility standards and verifications have been thrown out the window inment states the goal seems to be as many people on the program as possible. keep people on the programs. we no longer have programs helping people become self-sufficient and get off welfare. we have programs that are keeping people poor and are not helping people at all. alisyn: we know you are trying to crack down on all of that and turn it around. state representative shawna o connell thanks so much for educating us too, this morning. thank you. alisyn: next on the run down, we have heard ma