and has very good intelligence and humor and just a really engaging personality. reporter: weldon told her about his work with crystal harris. it was just consistent with what i had heard about different people that he had come alongside and helped them feel more confident and safe. reporter: and just like crystal before her, lea felt empowered around weldon. he s strong. and i i enjoyed his strength. and i felt safe around him. reporter: on september 20, 2014, lea became mrs. mcdavid. less than two years later, she gave birth to their son. and somewhere in there, weldon told her about another woman he was helping out at the range. a woman named diana lovejoy. he told me about her husband. and she was afraid of him and that they were going through a divorce. reporter: once again, it seemed, weldon had assumed the role of protector. this time in diana s life. but, lea thought something didn t seem quite right.
didn t know where it came from. reporter: weldon said he was not planning to fire shots until he claimed he heard one of the men say, i have got a gun. as soon as he said those words, i decided i had to do something. reporter: so weldon said he aimed the ar-15 at the flashlight and fired. he said that he hit greg by accident. the shot that i missed was the flashing. reporter: weldon s proof it was not intentional. he said that if he was such a good shot, if he was shooting to kill, he would have. i did not miss a man size target. it just would not happen. reporter: in a well-meaning way, he came up with a stupid plan. and brought a gun to it. reporter: rafae is his former attorney. he did not represent him at the trial. he believes that weldon acted out of a misguided hero complex.
asking where you were at last week. what location. and i don t know that location. reporter: when police told him they have potential dna evidence that would place him at the scene, his story suddenly changed. i have a feeling i m being set up. by who? in fact i know i m being set up. who s setting you up? i m so stupid. reporter: the prosecutor did not believe that weldon had been framed exactly, but set up? in a way, yes. remember the horrible allegations of abuse that diana made against greg that he molested her and her son. it s believed that she fabr fabricated them. everyone involved made the determination no truth to it. when the court system did not believe her. she decided to come up with a way to have him killed.
so then why lure him there. and put yourself in this position? i would not say that we lured him. i would say, he a choice. he set up a meeting with weldon. we didn t have much time at the jail, so we spoke again by phone this. time, i wanted to ask her about aunt diana. your aunt diana was a key witness for the prosecution. she claims you two had the conversation that you were look forgive somebody to kill greg. and it s not true. diana said she was never close with her aunt. she is highly manipulative, and she wants my son. in a letter to the court, aunt diana said she was generous to her niece and supportive of her and her son. we then asked did she master mind a murder plot? there was no, no talk or, no
weldon share what they have to say with us. i want people to know, that i did not attempt to murder anybody. reporter: we met with weldon mcdavid at the detention facility where he been since being arrested on charges of trying murder her husband. you have an ar-15, you are laying on your belly, you have a silencer and a bag to catch casings. it sounds like a plan to kill somebody. if i wanted to kill him, i could have hit him at any point. that would have been easy. why did you keep firing, six times? i wanted them to run. if i wanted to kill them, i had more than ample opportunity. reporter: he said it s ridiculous that he would kill somebody for $2,000. and having sex with diana was