The prIme MInIsters Message to Conference Labour Is buIldIng a new brItaIn. A UnIon Leaders told thIs programme that wIthout a change of course the party could lose the next electIon. So what Is the Governments Plan . Welcome to newsnIght, lIve from the Labour Party Conference In lIverpool theIr fIrst In 15 years In government. TonIght well be joIned lIve by a government mInster, well hear from the leader of the one of the bIggest unIons In the country who has a strong warnIng for labour, and In a moment well hearfrom the health secretary, wes streetIng. Your InsIght TonIght comes from mp Zarah Sultana, who lost the Labour WhIp after backIng a motIon to scrap the two chIld benefIt cap. Also, a man who had to get Into the heads of both KeIr Starmer and Tony BlaIr because he wrote some of theIr speeches, phIl collIns. And the polItIcal edItor of the DaIly MaIl, jason groves, whos been coverIng these conferences sInce the last tIme labour were In government. NIck, we heard from the chance
Surrounding donald trump when he was on the golf course. The trump international golf club spreads across 330 acres, and donald trump plays there regularly. Located in west palm beach in florida, the course is a tenminute drive from his home at maralago. The club s perimeter is more than three miles long. This is one part of it, right by a public road. There s a chainlink fence. Beyond that, you can easily see the course. And this was the route donald trump was taking during his round. He d reached hole five. According to police, as the former president played, secret service agents walked one hole ahead, as is standard. And we re told those agents spotted a rifle sticking out of the fence. Bbc verify has concluded it was somewhere in this area, which was later cordoned off. Police say mr trump was between 300 and 500 yards away, within range of the rifle. They also released this image of a rifle fitted with a scope, to backpacks and a camera attached to the fence. These events in flor
Welcome to hannity. Tonight it is no secret that 1 candidate vice president kamala harris is planning to raise taxes on all of you but moments ago donald trump unveiled a new plan to cut taxes for the hardest working americans who don t clock out at 5:00. Pretty amazing. I haven t worked made our day and most of my life. Take a look. I m also announcing that is part of our additional tax cuts we will end all taxes on overtime. You know what that means? will have much more president trump s economic vision coming up tonight. But first we were only 54 days away from the 2024 election. Pennsylvania voting begins in a mere 5 days. Alabama the first ballots are officially in the mail. More than a dozen states including swing states like wisconsin are scheduled to send out ballots later this month. We are in the home stretch of a race that will impact the course of our country for decades to come. It s an inflection point for this country and is most of you know donald trump s and just facin
Weeks in office and the very week, frail, Cognitively Struggling president , he still is lost and confused. Meanwhile he is green new agend is wreaking havoc on what couldve been a robust recovery. Today the jobs report was in good. Our Economic Growth anemic. Labor Participation Rate has gone down. Only 6,000 private sector jobs were created. Fake news cnn had to admit that it is a grim sign for a recover and to make matters worse, wev got thousands of high paying, Career Union Jobs instantly banished just in the last two weeks after biden canceled the Keystone Excel pipe down with the stroke of a pen. And thousands more of those job also lost with when he stepped Border Wall Construction. Guess what, Hundreds Of Thousands of highpaying career jobs will also be gone as joe follows through on his promise and his plan to cancel all oil and Gas Pipelines during an explanation in and more, alaska something that donald trump opened up. At the white house today joe biden openly wondered whe
Of the United States. Its kind of our way, or the highway. Mississippi senator roger wicker on all of that very shortly, In The Meantime, to Mark Meredith on how this is all going down, fueled by not only the president stating that this is the only way to do it, republicans, at a jobs report which might have helped his argument. Mark . Reporter neil, good morning to you right that jobs report is having an impact on the discussions. President biden counting on house and Senate Democrats to pass his 1. 9 trillion Stimulus Package. Republicans want the president to reign in spending but the president made it clear yesterday that hes willing to do this on a Party Line Vote if necessary to fund a few priorit ies like the 1,400 round of stimulus checks that he wants to see go out, more money for Food Assistance programs, as well as extending those enhanced federal Unemployment Benefits. The president making it directly in a speech on friday. Others think that things are Getting Better and we