Jacob Kimbrel, 37, kicked the door of the police car so hard while in custody, it bent the frame and trapped the officer driving in the vehicle, according to an affidavit for his arrest.
Recently unsealed arrest records detail how Greeley police have brought a case against a private investigator who is accused of helping an inmate smuggle drugs into the Weld County Jail.
Police arrested 53-year-old Reynaldo Ramos and 31-year-old Noelle Gomez for intent to distribute meth and attempt to influence a public servant after both originally gave police false names, according to affidavits for their arrests. A third person Anthony Ortiz also gave police a false name but was released before police realized he had a warrant out for his arrest.
Police arrested both 18-year-old Hisidro Temoxtle-Calvez and 20-year-old Marcos Calixto-Quiahua on suspicion of intent to distribute meth, according to affidavits for their arrests. The charges have since been reduced from intent to distribute down to possession.