Dimapur, Sep. 28 (EMN): A Common Facility Centre (CFC) of the Li Cheh Kro Weavers’ Producer Company Limited, funded by NABARD and implemented by North East Network (NEN) was inaugurated on September 27 in Chizami village under Phek district. The CFC that was constructed to function as a training-cum-production centre was inaugurated by Imsunaro, DDM of NABARD, an update from NEN stated. Imsunaro congratulated the weavers on the successful completion of CFC and acknowledged the effort of the implementing agency NEN. She encouraged the weavers by mentioning that Li Cheh Kro is the first registered weaver producer company in Nagaland. She also stated that the project would not only benefit the present shareholders but also the future generations. She appreciated the shareholders from all six locations namely Chizami town, villages of Chizami, Enhulumi, Mesulumi, Sumi and Thetsumi, who developed sample products using natural fibres and exhibited at the inaugural function. She appealed to
While the country has fully vaccinated more than half of its eligible population, many in the poorer and tribal-dominated districts are still unvaccinated.
The WHO has asked countries to step up Covid-19 vaccination efforts to combat the Omicron variant. India has fully vaccinated more than half its eligible population but behind the countrywide averages, inequities persist, particularly in poorer and tribal-dominated districts