his gig in 2007 at the new york city department of parks and recreation. now he works with weisselberg on financial matters. since joining the company, he has helped trump land high profile contracts with the city, like the ferry point golf course in the bronx, a sweet deal for trump that caught the eye of at least one lawmaker this week. taxpayers spent $127 million to build trump links in a generous deal allowing president trump to keep almost every dollar that flows in on a golf course built with public funds. this doesn t seem to be the only time the president has benefitted at the expense of the public. reporter: sara murray, cnn, washington. joining us now, caroline polici, who specializes in federal and white collar crimes and larry noble, former general counsel for the federal election commission. caroline, one of the three executives, allen weisselberg,
over the next year in congress and with this presidency. one of the interesting things that michael cohen said during his testimony was that he had other tapes, other recordings of his other clients. as we know, he had few clients other than donald trump. one of them was sean hannity. does he have tapes of sean? what were they discussing? we don t know anything really about their relationship other than he allegedly advised sean on matters regarding real estate. i would be interested to know what the actual content of their conversations was and whether or not it coincides with what he just said. did they talk about those things? did they talk about the hush money payments? i don t know. i would really like to know. sean is really close with the president. they talk all the time. they talk on the phone. he is one of the key outside advisers for the president. it s very strange to see him doing an interview like that,
yes. who else knows that the president did this? allen weisselberg, ron lieberman. weisselberg has been southwest up in the investigation. he was granted immunity for providing information on cohen s role in hush money payments to women alleging affairs with president trump. trump denies those affairs. weisselberg s immunity deal doesn t guarantee he will be spared from inquiries from congress or prosecutors looking into other matters. he could be a treasurer trove of information. weisselberg knows where all the financial bodies are buried, a source prieviously told cnn. another man who has done a great job is matthew, my chief operating officer. you know i don t care for jen