Recently the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) published its first children’s book a deep sea dive into a world that most of us will never witness outside of photos. “Where the Weird Things Are: An Ocean Twilight Zone Adventure” features creatures that live deep at sea in an area referred to as the Ocean […]
Strawberry squid, atolla jellyfish, anglerfish and salps—the Mesobot meets them all and more in “Where The Weird Things Are,” the first-ever picture book from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Although technically an illustrator, animator, and painter, I have always taken inspiration from the comic art form. My love of its visual storytelling and the diversity of the medium, not to mention the freedom of imagination it attracts. The comic book has informed so much of my body of work over the years.
Having attended UK comic cons for around the last 6-7 years – occasionally putting out small press comics – mostly displaying illustrations and paintings, I came to hear of the Kickstarter phenomenon. I wondered, could it be possible for me to create a project that would interest people enough to invest in?